Friday, 6 May 2011

Cornwall's Economic Devolopment

I would like to outline Cornwall Conservatives commitment to economic development. We haven't been making big noises about ongoing work, choosing instead to keep our heads down and work in Cornwall's interests.

The planning panel have been working on our Core Strategy which will set the tone for Cornwall's development for the next 20 years.

We are very keen to promote Business Employment, Job creation and suitable housing for the local community. I hope the localism bill currently going though Parliament will empower community's to making decisions about what they consider to be appropriate.

I would like to highlight the Bodmin Master plan which is one example of many across Cornwall where the Conservatives are showing their commitment to towns,business and residents.

It’s role:

The Master plan will inspire a locally distinctive and sustainable future for the town. It will guide all future initiatives in the town and will redefine Bodmin, building on its strengths, address its weaknesses and result in increased private (and where necessary public) sector investment.

Central to its preparation is the development of an overarching Vision for Bodmin which will formulate the social, economic and environmental future of the town, guiding successful growth and economic and social regeneration, including well-targeted and coordinated local facilities.

I have linked the document below:

There have been many noises in the press recently about non existent library and sport centre closures. Whilst the loony left would have you believe we are approaching Armageddon what is true is that Cornwall's Conservatives stand firm, work quietly and deliver.

Our commitment through Local Enterprise Zones and Town Plans have been delivered in area's that aren't considered particularly strong Conservative areas. Our aim is to show Cornwall what you get if you vote Conservative in Cornwall.

Newquay Airport-Permitted Development Rights

Newquay Airport has been a very topical issue for some time after the previous County Council decided to take it on. It is apparent that the airport has never had the number of passengers to make it stand up on its own merits. For reasons best known to them at that time the previous administration at County Hall where unable to except that fact and continued to go cap in hand to the tax payers of Cornwall to fund the Airport.

Today, on the planning panel we have given the Newquay Airport Board permitted development rights. What this means is that they have the power to put functional buildings in the airports grounds to cross subsidise the running of the airport without the need to go to the authority for planning permission. This should provide the board with income to manage and maintain the airport.

For many, who believe it is not the taxpayer who should fit the bill for the airport this will be welcome news.This clearly won't happen overnight but as time goes on, the airport and infrastructure if done correctly, should be able to stand on their own. I have faith in the board of directors there to create a credible business plan and to take this particular item out of the hands of the tax payer and into the hands of private business.